Home Tag Heart disease

Articles in Heart disease

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Chest tightness, shallow breathing, cough are signs of what disease?
Hello doctor! Recently, I have symptoms of light, shallow breathing, sometimes I don't want to breathe, coughing, wheezing, like lack of air, chest tightness every time I take a deep breath. I went to the doctor but the doctor said it was because of the heart, but the echocardiogram showed that the heart was normal, there was no disease.
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Chest pain, shortness of breath with dizziness and sweating, is there a heart problem?
Hi doctor. I often have chest pain, move around a lot, feel short of breath, dizzy. Sometimes when people are weak and sweaty, please tell me if there are symptoms of chest pain, shortness of breath with dizziness and sweating, is there a heart problem and does it have any effect?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics