Home Tag HbSAg index

Articles in HbSAg index

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What does a positive HBsAg mean?
Hi doctor. I just had a health check at Vinmec, but I can't go to the doctor to consult about the indicators but only get the results at the company, so there is 1 index I wonder and want to ask. I have a positive HBsAg index and the accompanying index is 952.6, so is this indicator HBV-DNA?
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How effective is hepatitis B virus isolation (CIL) in the treatment of hepatitis B?
The doctor asked me that the method of hepatitis B virus isolation (CIL) when the virus isolation is reduced to the maximum, can the HBsAg index be negative? I would like to thank the doctor.
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People who are positive for hepatitis B virus have poor appetite and stomach discomfort
Hi doctor. 2 months ago I tested positive for hepatitis B virus but the virus is not active. For the past few days, I have been feeling pain and discomfort in my stomach, poor appetite, increased salivary glands. I can't go to the doctor right now, I'm very worried. I hope the doctor can help me. Thank you.
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Is HBsAg positive a sign of hepatitis B?
Hi doctor. Yesterday, I took a test for HbsAg and got a positive result of 1820 (COI). So is my score high or low? Like what should I do to treat the disease?
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Q and A: Why is the result negative after the follow-up examination when the liver enzymes are high and HBsAg is positive?
I was pregnant and when I gave birth to the baby, all tests were positive for HBsAg. Now, my son is 18 months old and has been tested again, the liver results are no problem. Doctor let me ask, will the baby's illness ever go away on its own?
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FAQ: Diagnostic tests for hepatitis B and hepatitis C
Hello doctor! My mother did a blood test and got the following results: HBsAg: m calculated 0.42 Total Anti HBc: Positive 0.01 Anti HCV: m calculated 0.04 So please ask the doctor with the above test results, Is my mother infected with hepatitis B and hepatitis C? Thanks for the advice doctor!
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What is the effect of 0.41 negative HBsAg female?
Blood test results for hepatitis B are as follows: HBsAg negative 0.41, anti Hbs 29.9, total anti HBc positive 0.51. So the doctor asked me if a woman with a negative HBsAg 0.41 has any effect? Do I have hepatitis B? I thank the doctor.
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How to understand a negative hepatitis B test?
Ở nước ta tỉ lệ người bị nhiễm virus viêm gan B (HBV) chiếm tỷ lệ rất cao, khoảng 10-15 triệu người. Hiện nay, chưa có thuốc điều trị khỏi hoàn toàn viêm gan virus B. Mục tiêu cao nhất của việc điều trị là đưa các xét nghiệm liên quan đến virus về tình trạng âm tính, duy trì cuộc sống bình thường cho người bệnh.
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Hepatitis B in Children: What you need to know
Viêm gan B ở trẻ nhỏ là một nỗi ám ảnh lớn với các bậc cha mẹ. Bởi viêm gan B là một trong những căn bệnh cực kỳ nguy hiểm, do virus viêm gan B gây ra. Viêm gan B ở trẻ em trên lâm sàng có nhiều đặc điểm khác với người lớn và việc điều trị viêm gan B mãn tính ở trẻ em cũng phức tạp hơn khá nhiều. Chính vì vậy, các cha mẹ nên trang bị cho mình những kiến thức cần thiết để có thể bảo vệ sức khỏe cho bé yêu một các an toàn và hiệu quả nhất.
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Favorable conditions can cause liver cancer
The liver plays a role in food digestion and energy storage. When liver cells become cancerous, the liver cannot function properly, leading to harmful and serious effects on the body.
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