Home Tag Harmful stomach

Articles in Harmful stomach

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Is taking iron harmful to the stomach?
Iron is one of the minerals needed to replenish the blood and support the body's basic vital functions. The process of absorbing iron after drinking usually takes place in the stomach, so many people ask the question whether taking iron is harmful to the stomach?
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Factors that negatively affect the stomach
If the stomach lining is damaged, it will cause serious diseases such as stomach ulcers, gastric reflux, even stomach cancer. Therefore, eating something harmful to the stomach is an issue you need to pay attention to to protect your general health.
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Eating bamboo shoots harmful to the stomach?
Bamboo shoots have long been one of the favorite dishes of many Vietnamese families because of their deliciousness and rich nutrition. However, eating bamboo shoots too often and improperly has the risk of causing bad effects on the body. That's why many people wonder whether eating bamboo shoots is harmful to the stomach?
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