Home Tag Grade 2 hemorrhoids

Articles in Grade 2 hemorrhoids

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What causes constipation?
It's been 2 months since I've had anal surgery and grade 2 hemorrhoids but I'm still constipated despite a very good diet. The doctor asked me what is the cause of constipation? Looking forward to consulting your doctor help me. I sincerely thank.
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Bloody stools, long protruding left anus, what grade of hemorrhoids and need surgery?
Hi doctor! I am 30 years old this year and more than 1 year ago I went to colonoscopy and was diagnosed with ileal ulcer and grade 1 internal hemorrhoids. After that, I was prescribed by a doctor to treat colon and internal hemorrhoids did not need to be treated. However, recently, I often have blood in the stool, blood sometimes drops and the left anus protrudes longer than the right, after having a bowel movement, it retracts by itself. So the doctor asked me, if you have bloody stools, and the left anus is long, what degree of hemorrhoids do you have and do you need surgery? I heard the surgery was very painful so I was very worried. Ask your doctor for advice and answers. Thank you sincerely!
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How to treat grade II hemorrhoids at home?
According to research, I have hemorrhoids grade II: Every time I tell or go to the toilet, the hemorrhoids prolapse. So the doctor told me how to treat grade II hemorrhoids at home? Because of the complicated situation of the epidemic, I did not dare to go to the hospital.
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Is blood in the stool a sign of hemorrhoids?
I had hemorrhoids almost 2 years ago, at first I didn't even notice. However, later, when I went to the toilet, I kept bleeding but shooting no rays, sometimes when I sit, it also bleeds. The doctor asked me, is blood in the stool a sign of hemorrhoids?
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Can people with stage 2 hemorrhoids while pregnant be treated?
Doctor let me ask if someone has hemorrhoids grade 2 while pregnant can be treated? Thank you.
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Do 2nd degree internal hemorrhoids need to be removed or treated at home?
The doctor asked me if grade 2 internal hemorrhoids need to be cut or treated at home
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