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Articles in Glutamine

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Things to keep in mind when using Growth Hormone for patients with short bowel syndrome
Short bowel syndrome often occurs in people whose small intestine has been surgically removed in half or more, leaving the remaining length of intestine no more than 120cm, associated with poor absorption of nutrients.
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The role of somatropin in short bowel syndrome
An important goal when treating patients with short bowel syndrome (short bowel syndrome) requiring parenteral nutrition or fluid support is to reduce dependence on this support and completely eliminate the use of these drugs. whenever possible.
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Role of Teduglutide in nutrition in patients with short bowel syndrome
Teduglutide, a recombinant, anti-aging, longer-acting GLP-2 analog, was shown in an open-label study to be safe, well tolerated, intestinal stimulant, and significantly increased absorption. Wet weight of the intestine, but no energy absorption in 16 short bowel syndrome patients with jejunostomy or colostomy.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics