Home Tag Get hepatitis B vaccine

Articles in Get hepatitis B vaccine

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Hepatitis B transmission?
Recently, I was playing sports and got into a collision with a friend, the result was that she bit me and bled. She also just tested for hepatitis B. So the doctor told me how hepatitis B is transmitted? I don't know if I'm contagious. I thank you doctor.
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Hepatitis B test result: HBsAg and HCVAb negative, HBc total positive mean?
I went for a blood test to quantify antibodies against hepatitis B virus with the following results: HBsAg negative, HCVAb negative, HBsAb 230 IU/L, HBc total positive. The doctor asked me what does a positive HBsAg, HCVAb and HBc total test result mean? Do I have to get the hepatitis B vaccine? Thank you.
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Does the unreduced amount of hepatitis B virus affect the liver?
I am 23 years old this year. I have hepatitis B 10^9, ultrasound of the liver, the doctor said that the liver is still good and prescribed that I do not take anti-viral drugs, only use drugs to support resistance, wait for marriage and have children to finish treatment. . So the doctor asked me if the amount of hepatitis B virus does not decrease, will it affect the liver?
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Can hepatitis B be treated after giving birth?
Now, my wife just gave birth to a baby. During pregnancy, the hepatitis B virus infection was tested, and during labor, the doctor re-tested that the hepatitis B virus was active, the baby was vaccinated with serum and vaccine. So the doctor asked me if I can treat hepatitis B after giving birth?
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