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Articles in Gastrointestinal

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Characteristics of drugs absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
In clinical practice today, there are many drugs that are absorbed mainly through the human digestive system, because this is the most natural and easy to use absorption route. However, gastrointestinal drug absorption also has certain advantages and disadvantages that patients need to be aware of in order to use the drug as effectively as possible.
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The feeling of food overflowing into the throat without being able to vomit is a sign of what disease?
Hello doctor. Every time I finish eating, I feel like food is spilling up to my neck but I can't go out, I try to poke it out with my hand and see a little blood. The doctor asked me what disease I have?
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What should people with rectal ulceration pay attention to in the diet?
Hi doctor. My father was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. Such a disease, how to eat and what to pay attention to? Thank you doctor.
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Have you ever seen the stomach through endoscopy?
Many people still do not know what a gastroscopy is and if it has any effect? In fact, this is an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy technique, which is used to directly examine the patient's upper digestive system with a small camera mounted on the end of the endoscope. Endoscopy of the stomach (stomach) includes: Endoscopy of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. This procedure is widely used to diagnose and treat diseases of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.
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Do adults need digestive enzyme supplements?
Many people may think that as we age, the amount of digestive enzymes that the body produces decreases, making it more difficult to digest food. Some people think that digestive enzyme supplements should be taken with each meal. So, is this information correct?
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Imaging features on ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract
These days, digestive tract-related diseases are becoming one of the common diseases that can happen to any age and gender. Therefore, the diagnosis of digestive tract diseases is extremely important to be able to detect the disease early, thereby having appropriate treatment. One of the paraclinical methods to support the diagnosis of these diseases is the gastrointestinal ultrasound, which is being widely developed in most medical facilities.
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Complex metastatic melanoma to the gastrointestinal tract
Metastatic melanoma to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract poses a unique clinical challenge. Previously thought to be rare, many patients have metastatic disease at autopsy but rarely have gastrointestinal symptoms.
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12 interesting facts about ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic, long-term disease that can cause inflammation of the intestines. The disease is usually diagnosed in people over the age of 30. Here are 12 interesting facts about this disease that you probably didn't know.
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How to prevent gastrointestinal fistula after surgery?
Postoperative gastrointestinal fistulas can occur after any abdominal procedure that involves the gastrointestinal tract. Regardless of the cause, leakage of intestinal fluid initiates a variety of conditions: Local infection, abscess formation, and fistula formation (considered as a consequence of centralized infection).
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Symptoms and how doctors diagnose gastrointestinal fistula after surgery
Postoperative gastrointestinal fistulas can occur after any abdominal procedure that involves the gastrointestinal tract. Regardless of the cause, leakage of intestinal fluid initiates a variety of conditions: Local infection, abscess formation, and fistula formation (considered as a consequence of centralized infection).
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What does the human digestive system consist of - see images of digestion in each part
Have you ever wondered how the process of digesting food in humans takes place? Is the human digestive system very complicated? The following information will give you a first-hand look at what happens to food during each stage of the human digestive process.
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