Home Tag Gastrointestinal - Liver and gallbladder

Articles in Gastrointestinal - Liver and gallbladder

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Hospitalized for treatment of stomach bleeding but does not help, what to do?
Hello doctor! I was diagnosed by doctors with stomach bleeding and had symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal distension, indigestion and frequent bowel movements. I was hospitalized for treatment and medication, but I did not see any improvement in my symptoms. So what is the cause? I hope the doctor can help me!
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Effects of G protein-coupled receptors in common liver diseases
The G protein-coupled receptor is associated with distinct G protein families, including Gs, Gi, and Gq. Heterotrimeric G proteins are involved in the signaling of about 800 members of the G protein-coupled receptor. Some of these signaling pathways play an important role in liver metabolism.
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Hepatitis B test result: HBsAg and HCVAb negative, HBc total positive mean?
I went for a blood test to quantify antibodies against hepatitis B virus with the following results: HBsAg negative, HCVAb negative, HBsAb 230 IU/L, HBc total positive. The doctor asked me what does a positive HBsAg, HCVAb and HBc total test result mean? Do I have to get the hepatitis B vaccine? Thank you.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics