Home Tag Gastroesophageal reflux disease

Articles in Gastroesophageal reflux disease

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Uses of Utrazo 20
Utrazo 20 contains rabeprazole 20mg as an active ingredient. Utrazo is used to treat the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), allowing acid damage to the esophagus to heal and preventing further damage. In addition, Utrazo 20 is also used to treat Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, ulcers in the lining of the stomach or intestines, as well as in combination with other medicines to eradicate H. pylori.
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The effect of the drug Hansazol 40mg
Hansazol 40mg Tablet works to prevent the formation of ulcers in the mucosa or support the healing process when damage has already occurred. By reducing the amount of acid, the effect of Hansazol 40mg can help reduce the symptoms of acid reflux disease and participate in the treatment of stomach ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori.
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Cimetidine stomach medicine uses
Cimetidine is an antacid with anti-reflux and anti-ulcer effects. Currently, Cimetidine is widely used in gastrointestinal diseases. Join us to learn about the use of cimetidine stomach medicine through the following articles:
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Uses of Raciper 20mg
Raciper 20mg contains the compound Esomeprazole which is indicated in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease in people with esophagitis or severe reflux symptoms. However, Raciper 20mg drug can cause some unwanted side effects such as digestive disorders, headaches... Therefore, before using the drug, patients should learn carefully and consult a doctor. doctor.
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Uses of Medoprazole 20mg
The drug Medoprazole is prescribed regularly in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. What are the side effects of Medoprazole? What precautions should be taken to use the drug safely?
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Uses of Aphacolin
Aphacolin 40mg is commonly known for treating some stomach and esophageal problems. The use of Aphacolin analogues has become increasingly popular due to the increasing incidence of peptic ulcer disease. Understanding the uses, usage and some side effects of the drug will help you use Aphacolin safely and effectively.
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Uses of Vespratab 40
Vespratab 40 medicine contains the main active ingredient is Esomeprazole 40mg, has the effect of reducing gastric acid secretion, used to treat diseases in the digestive tract. Dosage will depend on the medical condition and health of each patient.
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Uses of Esoragim 20
Esoragim 20 is a gastrointestinal drug manufactured by the branch of Agimexpharm Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company - VIETNAM. Esoragim 20 contains Esomeprazole and is packaged as enteric-coated film-coated tablets.
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Uses of Esotrax 20
Esotrax 20mg drug belongs to the group of gastrointestinal drugs and is used to treat peptic ulcers very effectively. The drug is researched and manufactured in India with the main ingredient Esomeprazole 20mg. Let's learn more about the use and how to use the drug most effectively through the following article.
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Bepracid is a proton pump inhibitor - reducing gastric acid secretion, used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcer disease. Understanding the effects as well as complying with the indications and doses of Bepracid will help patients improve treatment effectiveness and prevent unwanted side effects.
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Uses of Bio Panto
Bio Panto is manufactured by Biodeal Laboratories Pvt. Ltd, the drug is circulated in Vietnam with registration number VN-12192-11 and is prepared in the form of enteric coated tablets. So what is Bio Panto?
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