Home Tag Gastric endoscopy under anesthesia

Articles in Gastric endoscopy under anesthesia

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How to prepare for gastroscopy under anesthesia?
Anesthesia gastroscopy is a method for diagnosing digestive problems that is widely used in recent cases of digestive diseases. So what preparation is required for anesthesia gastroscopy to achieve effective and safe treatment? Join Vinmec to follow the article below.
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Ợ Sour with chest tightness, shortness of breath should visit or use medicine?
Hi doctor. I used to have heartburn and sometimes stomach pain. But lately, when I have heartburn, I often have chest tightness and difficulty breathing, like I choke when I eat rice. I want to ask about heartburn with chest tightness, shortness of breath, should I see a doctor or use medicine? Thank you doctor.
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Abdominal pain, bloating, abdominal pain when full is a sign of what disease?
I have a stomach ache every now and then. Whenever I am hungry, I have a dull ache in my abdomen above my navel. When I eat, I feel full quickly, after eating, I feel bloated, like gas and pain in the right abdomen above the navel. Doctor, let me ask you, what is the sign of stomach pain, bloating, abdominal pain when full and dull pain when hungry?
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How to safely do a gastroscopy without vomiting and discomfort?
Hi doctor! I had a normal gastroscopy once 3 years ago, the feeling of vomiting and discomfort makes me very haunted when I think about it. Now I want to have a gastric bypass but am afraid of that feeling. So can the doctor advise me how to safely do a gastroscopy without vomiting, discomfort or not? Thanks for the advice and answers.
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How are gastric endoscopy done?
Gastroscopy is a safe and effective method to help diagnose and treat gastric diseases. However, many patients do not fully understand the endoscopic methods, so they are still afraid to be assigned to perform this procedure.
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Nasal endoscopy: What you need to know
Gastroscopy is an effective and safe diagnostic method. Compared with oral endoscopy, nasogastric endoscopy is easier to perform, more accurate, and less uncomfortable.
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