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Articles in First aid at home

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The importance of first aid
First aid is the initial support and intervention of the rescuer with the victim, injured, acutely ill person. If you are the first person on the scene, when approaching the victim, you should immediately give first aid to the victim using your knowledge and available means, and at the same time immediately call for help and call for emergency medical support.
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First aid for fire burns, boiling water burns
Statistics show that among the causes of burns, boiling water and fire are the most common. Improper first aid for burns can cause the wound to deepen, become infected, and lead to many dangerous complications.
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How to treat a bee sting
Bee stings are one of the common accidents in life. People who are stung often wonder what to apply to a bee sting to heal quickly, how long does it take for a bee sting to swell, and how to stop the swelling. However, treating a bee sting is not that simple. After the wound is treated, people who are stung by bees also need to be monitored and detected for other acute complications because they can be life-threatening.
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Diagnosis and treatment of scorpion bites
Most scorpion stings cause only localized damage and symptoms resolve within a few hours. Only about 30 of the 1,500 species of scorpions have venom that can cause death. However, when stung by a scorpion, early diagnosis and treatment are still needed to reduce the patient's pain and discomfort.
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Accidents caused by bee stings
In daily life, being stung by bees is quite common in both adults and children. Common types of bees are: honey bees, yellow jackets, hornets, bumblebees... The difference between honey bees and other types of bees is that when the stinger of a honey bee is broken, the broken part contains venom sacs retained in the patient's skin, while other types of bees can pull out and sting again and again.
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Preventing falls for patients
Falls often occur accidentally, and are a type of accident that can have serious consequences for the person who falls, especially the elderly and the weak. There are many simple but highly effective measures to help prevent falls for the sick.
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Doctor Vinmec explains 8 common mistakes when giving first aid at home
First aid skills at home are essential for everyone. If first aid is performed incorrectly, it will make the patient's condition more critical. Below are some common mistakes when performing first aid at home.
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