Home Tag Fetal heart rate

Articles in Fetal heart rate

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9 weeks pregnant, fetal heart rate 180 beats/min normal or abnormal?
Hello doctor! Is a 9-week fetal heart rate of 180 beats/minute normal or abnormal? Thank you for your advice.
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Transducer ultrasound 6 weeks 4 days, fetal heart 110 is too slow?
Hello doctor! This is my first pregnancy, I had a transvaginal ultrasound, the result of the fetal heart rate at 6 weeks and 4 days was 110. So I would like to ask, is a transvaginal ultrasound at 6 weeks and 4 days, fetal heart rate 110 too slow?
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The 6th week of pregnancy has a fetal heart, but the 9th week does not have a fetal heart, why?
I went for a check-up at 6 weeks and there was a fetal heartbeat. Now I am 9 weeks pregnant and I went for a check-up again and there is no fetal heartbeat. Doctor, can you tell me why there is a fetal heartbeat at 6 weeks but no fetal heartbeat at 9 weeks? Thank you, doctor.
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How is a spina bifida biopsy performed?
During the second trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus has risk factors and suspected abnormalities, to confirm more firmly, doctors will advise the mother and family to perform a chorionic villus biopsy.
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What is the normal heart rate at 17 weeks of pregnancy?
One of the important milestones of pregnancy is the 17th week of pregnancy. This is the time when the fetus begins to move, so mothers often pay special attention to the baby in the womb. However, not all mothers know what the normal heart rate is for a 17-week-old fetus.
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Notes on non-stress test results
Non-stress is only an indirect test, so caution is needed when drawing a conclusion about the results obtained, in which the absence of an increase in the rate and the loss of intrinsic oscillation of the fetal heart rate can have a pathological meaning of the fetal condition and is more of an alarm sign than a real diagnosis.
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What is a Non-stress test?
Non-stress test is one of the tests that pregnant mothers need to perform during pregnancy, especially 1-2 months before the expected date of birth. This is a prenatal test that helps doctors monitor the fetal heart rate when the baby is resting and when the baby is active (fetal movement).
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Monitor fetal health with CTG
CTG assessment is a systematic and comprehensive assessment. Any deviations beyond the normal curves should be recognized and analyzed to reach a correct conclusion during labor monitoring, to avoid late or unnecessary interventions for the mother and fetus.
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Monitor uterine contractions and fetal heart rate during labor
During labor, monitoring uterine contractions and fetal heart rate is extremely important, helping to assess fetal abnormalities, ensuring the safety of mother and baby.
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Fetal echocardiography and what pregnant women need to know
Fetal echocardiography is a method used to diagnose congenital heart defects in the prenatal stage. Therefore, doctors often recommend performing an echocardiogram to diagnose, detect early and have appropriate treatment methods.
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The formation of the fetal heart and what you need to know
The formation of the fetal heart is a special time in pregnancy. The heartbeat indicates the existence of the fetus in the mother's womb, the first pregnancy memory of many parents. During pregnancy, the fetus's heart will have many changes in the development process, affecting its function, size, and beat.
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