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Articles in FAST sign

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The ability to recover after a severe cerebrovascular accident
Cerebrovascular accident is a very dangerous and leading cause of death in the world and in Vietnam. People who have had a stroke, especially a severe cerebrovascular accident, often suffer from severe sequelae such as hemiplegia, cognitive disorders... After successfully treating a stroke, the patient still has Survival, activities and recovery after cerebrovascular accident are possible.
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Treatment of cerebrovascular accident
Cerebrovascular accident is a very dangerous medical condition and the possibility of death is very high. Patients who have a stroke often have some symptoms at the onset, which can help them recognize the disease, so that they can promptly handle a cerebrovascular accident and have a treatment for a vascular accident. effective brain, reducing the risk of death.
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Limit the sequelae of cerebrovascular accident
Cerebrovascular accident is one of the very dangerous diseases, with a high probability of leading to death. The sequelae of cerebrovascular accident are very serious, affecting the health and quality of life of patients. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to prevent accidents as well as its sequelae as soon as possible.
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Rehabilitation after cerebrovascular accident
Once the signs of a stroke have been detected, it is necessary to have appropriate treatment and care methods for the stroke patient. Rehabilitation after a stroke is a very important part of helping patients lead a healthy life and be able to participate in their best daily activities.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics