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Articles in Fallopian tube cancer

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Tubalectomy: What you need to know
Cắt ống dẫn trứng là thủ thuật loại bỏ 1 hoặc cả hai ống dẫn trứng. Tùy vào mục đích của phẫu thuật, cắt vòi trứng đôi khi cũng được kết hợp với cắt bỏ buồng trứng và tử cung. Những thủ thuật này đều có thể được tiến hành bằng phương pháp mổ hở truyền thống hay phẫu thuật nội soi.
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Fallopian tube cancer: stages and treatment
Fallopian tube cancer is one of the rare gynecological cancers. Older postmenopausal women are the group most commonly affected. There is increasing evidence that ovarian cancer begins in the fallopian tubes, so the risk factors for fallopian tube cancer are similar to those for ovarian cancer, including genetic risk. and did not give birth.
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Fallopian tube cancer: Basic knowledge to know
Tubular cancer is a very rare condition and can be difficult to detect in its early stages. Because the symptoms of the disease are often vague, it is easy to confuse them with other diseases. Fallopian tube cancer can occur at any age, but is most common in women between the ages of 50 and 60.
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Uses of Rucaparib
Rucaparib is indicated for the maintenance treatment of patients with ovarian cancer, fallopian tube cancer, primary peritoneal cancer and some other diseases. The drug Rucaparib used is quite complicated, so to be effective in treating patients, it is necessary to know the information about Rucaparib.
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