Home Tag Eye socket pain

Articles in Eye socket pain

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Frequent pain in the chest, teeth, eye sockets is a sign of what disease?
Hi doctor! Recently, I often have angina in the heart area, during pain, my teeth, eye sockets and back also hurt, I only hurt at night. This year, I am 23 years old, but since I was 18 years old, I have had the same pain, I asked my parents, and my father kept saying that I had stomach pain, did not take me to the doctor or care how much pain I had. But according to my research, I have a heart spasm. So please ask the doctor, what are the signs of frequent angina, teeth, eye sockets?
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Causes of eye socket pain
Đau hốc mắt là một dấu hiệu có thể gặp trong nhiều bệnh lý khác nhau. Đây có thể là dấu hiệu của một bệnh nguy hiểm và ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng tới thị lực nếu không được phát hiện và điều trị sớm.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics