Home Tag Esophageal vein ligation

Articles in Esophageal vein ligation

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Endoscopic ligation of esophageal varices with rubber ring
Esophageal varices are a common complication in patients with cirrhosis. This is a rather dangerous disease because of the high risk of bleeding. Endoscopic esophageal sphincter was born after sclerotherapy and is now more popular.
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Is there a need for frequent esophageal varices?
My grandfather is 80 years old, he has cirrhosis of the liver, esophageal varices. I find out that I need to have an esophageal varices. So the doctor asked me about the time of regular check-ups and whether I need to have esophageal varices often? When do you have to tie it? After a period of time, what will the elastic band used for esophageal varices look like? I look forward to hearing from the doctor. Thank you doctor.
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Indications for varicose vein ligation
In Vietnam, patients with gastrointestinal bleeding are increasing. The main cause is varicose veins. What is gastric aneurysm? And if not treated in time, the disease can cause "Death". The following article helps you understand the indications for gastric aneurysm ligation in the management of gastrointestinal bleeding.
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Indications for the treatment of esophageal varices
Xuất huyết tiêu hóa do giãn vỡ tĩnh mạch thực quản là một trong những biến chứng tiềm ẩn và nguy hiểm nhưng lại thường gặp, đe dọa đến tính mạng của bệnh nhân xơ gan. Khả năng tử vong cao nếu không được can thiệp cấp cứu kịp thời. Nếu không được điều trị, khoảng 25% đến 40% bệnh nhân giãn tĩnh mạch thực quản sẽ vỡ tĩnh mạch thực quản. Và có khoảng 15% những bệnh nhân vỡ tĩnh mạch thực quản sẽ chết.
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