Home Tag Esophageal varices

Articles in Esophageal varices

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What is autoimmune hepatitis?
Autoimmune hepatitis is inflammation of the liver that occurs when the body's immune system fights off liver cells. The exact cause of autoimmune hepatitis is currently unknown, but it is possible that genetic and environmental factors interact with the body over time in triggering the disease. Untreated autoimmune hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis and eventually liver failure. However, when diagnosed and treated early, autoimmune hepatitis can often be controlled with medications that suppress the immune system.
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Prevention of esophageal varices due to cirrhosis
Esophageal varices are a serious complication of cirrhosis. According to statistics, for every 100 cirrhosis patients, there are 50 people with esophageal varices syndrome, the risk of death of the disease can be up to 40-70%.
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Esophageal varices dangerous?
Esophageal varices is a dangerous disease that can completely cause death for patients because esophageal varices rupture causing blood loss. To limit the risk of dangerous complications of esophageal varices. Patients need to be treated early and in accordance with each level of disease as prescribed by the doctor.
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Esophageal varicose veins vomiting blood how to treat?
Esophageal varices vomiting blood should be treated promptly, minimizing the danger to the patient. Currently, the condition of esophageal varices vomiting blood has been treated in many different ways, suitable for the specific condition of each patient. In which, patients can have endoscopy, using TIPS method, ...
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Why is cirrhosis of the liver prone to rupture of esophageal veins?
Cirrhosis is a very dangerous chronic disease with a high mortality rate. A serious complication of cirrhosis is rupture of esophageal varices causing gastrointestinal bleeding, the main cause of increased mortality in patients.
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Upper gastrointestinal bleeding due to esophageal varices and hemostasis methods
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding was defined as bleeding originating from the esophagus to the ligament of Treitz of the duodenum and was classified as gastrointestinal bleeding not due to ruptured varices and bleeding due to ruptured varices.
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Is there a need for frequent esophageal varices?
My grandfather is 80 years old, he has cirrhosis of the liver, esophageal varices. I find out that I need to have an esophageal varices. So the doctor asked me about the time of regular check-ups and whether I need to have esophageal varices often? When do you have to tie it? After a period of time, what will the elastic band used for esophageal varices look like? I look forward to hearing from the doctor. Thank you doctor.
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Injury to gastrointestinal blood vessels
Congenital gastrointestinal vascular lesions can cause acute or chronic gastrointestinal bleeding. These lesions are responsible for 7% of upper GI bleeding cases.
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Management of esophageal varices
Esophageal varices usually do not show obvious signs, unless the patient has vomiting blood, bloody stools or shock in severe cases,... Therefore, it is necessary to control esophageal varices in patients with esophageal varices. core
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Dangerous complications of cirrhosis
Cirrhosis is one of the dangerous chronic diseases that can lead to many complications that seriously affect health, even life-threatening with a very high mortality rate.
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Esophageal varices in patients with cirrhosis
Esophageal varices is a very common syndrome in patients with cirrhosis, accounting for up to 50% of patients. It is noteworthy that the mortality risk of patients with esophageal varices in the presence of cirrhosis ranges from 40 to 70%, depending on the degree of liver failure.
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