Home Tag Erosive gastritis

Articles in Erosive gastritis

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Indigestible food, less defecation, is it caused by gastritis?
I went to the doctor and had a CT scan of the abdomen, and the doctors concluded that it was gastritis. However, after a few days of examination, I took medicine but it did not help, always had pain in the epigastrium and belched continuously. Indigestible food, little bowel movements and very little each time, there is a hard and painful lump under the mammoth beak. Please ask the doctor if the condition of food is difficult to digest, is the bowel movement less due to gastritis? Thank you doctor.
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Gastroesophageal reflux when taking medicine should do?
The doctor told me that I have gastric ulcer and diaphragmatic hernia, after 1.5 months of taking the medicine, my pain is relieved but I have reflux, eating is okay. Please ask the gastroenterologist what to do when taking the medicine? Thanks for the advice doctor.
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