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Articles in Endocarditis

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Uses of Raxadin
Raxadin medicine contains the main ingredients Cilastatin (as Cilastatin sodium) 500mg and Imipenem (as Imipenem monohydrate) 500mg, along with other active ingredients and excipients with sufficient drug content. Adhering to the indications and doses of Raxadin will help patients improve treatment effectiveness and avoid unwanted side effects.
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Uses of the drug Nakai
Nakai contains the main ingredient Clindamycin with a strength of 300mg. The drug is in the form of capsules and is indicated for the treatment of body infections. Before using Nakai, patients should consult their doctor for advice and instructions. The following is some information to help patients understand what Nakai medicine does? What is the dosage?
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Uses of Zolinstad 1g
Zolinstad 1g is a prescription drug belonging to the group of antibiotics and pain relievers. Because Zolinstad contains cefazolin, it is quick-acting for mild to moderate infections. The intestinal absorption of Cefazolin is very poor, so the drug is administered by injection. In order to minimize side effects as well as increase the effectiveness of the drug, patients need to be careful to take the medicine according to the instructions.
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Signs of congenital heart disease in adults
During fetal heart development, any disorder that occurs can cause congenital heart defects. Congenital heart disease in adults is not an uncommon condition. This is a serious and potentially fatal disease if not detected and treated early. So what are the signs of congenital heart disease in adults?
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The link between oral health and cardiovascular disease
Không chỉ tập thể dục thường xuyên và tuân thủ chế độ ăn uống cân bằng ảnh hưởng đến bệnh nhân tim mạch mà sức khỏe răng miệng cũng có mối liên quan rất lớn.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics