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Articles in End stage lung cancer

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Save the lives of lung cancer patients with a new generation of targeted drugs
Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world. This is the most aggressive type of cancer, easily metastasizes, spreads from the lungs to the lymph nodes and other organs in the body into terminal lung cancer and causes death. Lung cancer can be cured or not depends a lot on when it is detected.
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How long do lung cancer patients live?
Small cell lung cancer (small cell lung cancer) is very aggressive. For limited-stage small cell lung cancer, the five-year survival rate is 14 percent. Median survival is 16 to 24 months. The median survival time for extensive-stage small cell lung cancer is between six and 12 months. Rarely long-term disease-free survival.
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Stage 4 lung cancer what will happen
Stage 4 lung cancer is considered a late stage, at which point the treatment will become difficult and very expensive. So what do patients need to know when they have terminal lung cancer?
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Frequently asked questions about the final stages of lung cancer
End stage (stage 4) lung cancer means the cancer has spread from the lungs to other parts of the body. Once the cancer has spread, it is very difficult to cure. Chemotherapy and other treatments can slow the disease and help people live longer, but do not cure the disease. Below are some frequently asked questions about the final stages of lung cancer.
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Stages of development of lung cancer
Once a patient has been diagnosed with lung cancer, doctors will provide information about the patient's current cancer stage. Understanding the stage of lung cancer can also help people understand the progression of the disease and which parts of the lungs are affected.
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