Home Tag Early stage lung cancer

Articles in Early stage lung cancer

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5 early signs of lung cancer you need to know
Early signs of lung cancer are rare, and there are no screening tests that detect the disease in its early stages. Therefore, most patients are diagnosed when the cancer has advanced and metastasized in the body. Therefore, people at high risk for lung cancer (current and former smokers) are encouraged to have a low-dose CT lung scan to screen for cancer.
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Stages of lung cancer are classified by the TNM . system
The stage of the cancer tells you the size and whether it has spread. Knowing the stage, type, and grade of the cancer can help doctors plan the right treatment for the patient.
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Increased screening will detect more early-stage lung cancer
Lung cancer screening is the most effective measure for timely detection and treatment of lung cancer, protecting your health and life. Lung cancer screening helps to detect early stage lung cancer (if any), reducing lung cancer mortality by 20% compared with high-risk groups who have never been screened.
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