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Articles in eardrum

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Learn about eardrum patch surgery
Eardrum patch surgery is a procedure used to repair holes or tears in the eardrum. Atrial patch surgery is also used to repair or replace 3 very small bones behind the eardrum. Usually, tympanic membrane patching is performed under a surgical microscope, recently some doctors have used endoscopic tympanic membrane patching system for ear surgery.
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Perforated eardrum, watery ears need treatment?
Doctor, I have perforated my eardrum and now I have a watery discharge from my ear. The doctor asked me what should I do now? Looking forward to receiving advice from the doctor, I would like to thank.
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Can blowing your nose strongly cause an eardrum perforation?
However, this worry is not unfounded because many people, after blowing their nose too hard, have ear-related symptoms such as tinnitus, unclear hearing, earache, etc. can cause perforation of the eardrum? Let's read the article to find the answer to this question.
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High frequency hearing loss: Causes and risk factors
Mất thính lực tần số cao gây ra các vấn đề với việc nghe âm thanh có cường độ cao. Nó cũng có thể dẫn đến các vấn đề nghe hiểu khi nói nhanh. Tổn thương cấu trúc giống như sợi tóc ở tai trong của bạn có thể gây ra loại mất thính lực này.
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Instructions for removing foreign bodies from the ear
Foreign bodies in the ear are very common, especially in children. Foreign bodies in the ear usually do not cause symptoms at first until they trigger an inflammatory response that causes pain, itching, infection, and purulent discharge.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics