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Articles in Ear drops

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Otipax is a widely used ear drops with ingredients: Phenazone has analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects and lidocaine hydrochloride has anesthetic effect.
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Debrox: Uses, indications and precautions when using
The excessive accumulation of earwax leads to many discomforts, causes hearing loss, and greatly affects life. Then over-the-counter earwax drops are an effective solution to the problem. One of the most common ear drops on the market today is Debrox. So what is Debrox and how is it used?
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Cetraxal drug information: Ingredients, uses, safe doses
Cetraxal is a sterile solution for ear drops. For the effective use of the drug, users need to follow the instructions of the doctor or pharmacist.
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Uses of Antipyrine
Antipyrine is a drug with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. The drug is often used alone and in combination with some other drugs to increase the therapeutic effect. Here are some of the works and uses of Antipyrine.
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Uses of Metoxa
Metoxa is used to treat ear, nose, and throat problems. Metoxa ear drops can be used by both children and adults. The drug is widely used in many subjects because of its ease of use and few side effects.
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Uses of Oflodex
Oflodex contains Ofloxacin, Dexamethasone, which belongs to the group of medicines for the treatment of eyes, ears, nose and throat. Compliance with the indications and doses of Oflodex will help patients improve treatment effectiveness and avoid unwanted side effects.
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Uses of Aurodex
Aurodex has two ingredients, including Antipyrine and Benzocaine Otic Solution) with the main effect of pain relief used for local anesthesia in the treatment of acute phase of otitis media. So what is Aurodex? how does it use? side effects when using the drug? The following article will share the necessary information about the use of Aurodex.
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Uses of Illixime
Illixime is prescribed by doctors to treat ear infections caused by bacteria, such as otitis externa, chronic otitis media with pus, or acute otitis media. During the use of Illixime, patients should strictly follow the doctor's treatment plan to recover soon.
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Uses of Candibiotics
What is Candibiotic? Candibiotic drugs belong to the group of drugs used to treat eyes, ears, nose and throat. The drug has the main ingredients: Chloramphenicol, Beclometason dipropionate, Clotrimazole, Lidocaine HCl. What are the uses of Candibiotics?
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Ear drops: Use with caution, avoid complications
Khi có các triệu chứng ở tai như ù tai, chảy mủ tai, đau trong tai,... nhiều người bệnh có xu hướng tự mua thuốc nhỏ tai về dùng. Tuy nhiên, việc tự ý dùng thuốc nhỏ tai mà không có sự tư vấn của bác sĩ có thể tiềm ẩn nhiều nguy cơ biến chứng khó lường.
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