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Articles in Drink water

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7 Ways to Reduce Constipation After a Cesarean Section
As with any surgery, a cesarean section has complications and risks. Many new mothers experience constipation after giving birth. After surgery, hospital staff will likely encourage you to move around as soon as possible. This helps prevent blood clots and constipation.
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5 Vitamins That May Help Relieve Constipation
Constipation occurs when bowel movements become infrequent or difficult. If you have fewer than three bowel movements per week, you might be constipated. Certain vitamins can help alleviate constipation. Many vitamins act as natural stool softeners. If you already take these vitamins daily, increasing the dosage may not help. However, adding specific vitamins to your daily routine could reduce discomfort if you haven’t been taking them previously.
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What to Eat After Kidney Stone Surgery?
Kidney stones often cause significant pain for those affected. However, a proper diet can play an effective role in managing and preventing kidney stones. Staying hydrated, avoiding foods high in salt and sugar, and pairing calcium with oxalate-rich foods are essential aspects of a kidney stone-friendly diet.
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