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Articles in Diverticulitis

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Atropine side effects
Atropine is used to treat many different medical conditions. So what is Atropin and how does it work?
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Warning signs of diverticulitis
A diverticulum is a bulge of a round mass in the colon. It occurs when the inner lining of the colon weakens and forms one or more pouches. When these pouches become inflamed or infected, it is called diverticulitis.
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Complications of diverticulitis
In Tay Tay, half of people over 60% develop diverticulitis, but only 10%-25% of people continue to develop diverticulitis. Diverticulitis usually develops when the waste outlet in the sacs is blocked, the stagnation allows bacteria to accumulate and cause infection. Inflammation spreads to surrounding fatty tissue, sometimes perforation of the diverticulum leads to abscess formation or peritonitis. Rarely, a colonic fistula may form with the bladder, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina.
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Diagnosis of diverticulitis
Colonic diverticulitis is a fairly common disease, especially after the age of 40. When colonic diverticulitis becomes inflamed without being diagnosed and treated effectively, it can leave many serious complications, easily confused with colonic diverticulitis. colorectal cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to perform annual screening tests to detect diverticulitis in a timely manner.
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Is multiple colonic diverticulum dangerous?
A diverticulum is a bulging sac that can form on an internal organ. Although a diverticulum is most commonly found in the colon, it can develop anywhere in your digestive tract.
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Diverticulitis of the colon: Causes, symptoms and treatment methods
Diverticulitis is the presence of one or more inflammatory colonic diverticula. If there is a lot of infection, the diverticulum wall can be destroyed, perforated and the infection spreads beyond the colon wall, forming a pocket of pus at the site, or very dangerous peritonitis, which can be fatal if not treated promptly. .
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What should be done to treat diverticulitis?
Hello doctor! My brother, 45 years old, was examined and diagnosed with diverticulitis leading to pus in the lumbar region. My brother has been treated at Hanoi Medical University Hospital for 2 months but the disease has not improved, the outbreak is still many. So I hope the doctor at Vinmec International General Hospital can advise and treat my brother's illness. Thank you very much doctor!
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Duodenal diverticulum can cause biliary obstruction
Cholestasis is a medical condition caused by many causes. In particular, duodenal diverticulum is a cause that is rarely discovered and investigated because it has few typical symptoms, so it is often ignored. Therefore, we need to know the problems of duodenal diverticulum to prevent dangerous complications unfortunately.
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The jejunum: Structure, location, function
The small intestine is part of the digestive system, it connects the stomach and large intestine. Anatomically, the small intestine is divided into three parts: the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum. The jejunum helps to digest more food from the stomach down, and at the same time absorb nutrients from the food.
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Medical treatment in diverticulitis of the colon
In terms of structure, the alimentary canal begins with the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and finally the rectum and anus. The colon (also known as the large intestine) is the last and widest part of the digestive tract. Diverticulents are small, bulging pouches that can form anywhere in the digestive tract, from the stomach, small intestine, or large intestine, but are most commonly found in the colon.
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The role of surgery in the treatment of diverticulitis
Diverticulitis of the colon is not a rare disease in Vietnam today and its frequency is increasing. The characteristics of colonic diverticulum in our country are similar to other Asian countries with the right diverticulum predominating.
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