Home Tag Digestive tract

Articles in Digestive tract

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What is a mooring?
The mesentery is a part of the digestive system and performs many important functions in the human body. This is a newly discovered organ, bringing the total number of organs in the human body to 79.
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Mesenteric tumor dangerous?
Mesenteric tumors are rare lesions. Tumors may be cystic or solid and may be benign or malignant. Whether mesenteric tumor is dangerous or not, the doctor will have to base it on clinical evidence to make a conclusion.
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Laparoscopic resection of mesenteric tumor
Surgery is the mainstay of treatment for mesenteric tumors. There are two types of laparoscopic mesenteric tumor resection: laparoscopic mesenteric tumor resection without small bowel resection and laparoscopic mesenteric tumor resection with small bowel resection.
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Gastrointestinal stromal tumor basics
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) is a rare tumor of gastrointestinal origin. From the onset, the disease sometimes silently shows no symptoms, but sometimes causes the patient's health to deteriorate, metastasize to adjacent organs quickly.
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