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Articles in Diet for people with high blood fat

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Treatment of dyslipidemia in patients with stroke and cerebral ischemia
Dyslipidemia increases the risk of stroke, in addition to hypertension, diabetes and other risk factors. Lipid metabolism disorder is an important factor in the formation of atherosclerosis, one of the causes of stroke and cerebral ischemia. Treatment of dyslipidemia is an effective way to prevent stroke and ischemic stroke, both primary and secondary.
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Regimen to treat dyslipidemia
Dyslipidemia is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. However, this cardiovascular risk factor belongs to a modifiable risk group based on the treatment regimen for dyslipidemia.
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Complications of dyslipidemia
Cholesterol is not bad, because the body still needs cholesterol to synthesize hormones, vitamin D, and digestive juices. Cholesterol also creates a metabolic environment for the organs to function smoothly. However, high cholesterol levels cause many dangerous diseases. Therefore, understanding about dyslipidemia and its complications helps us to take early measures to regulate blood fat levels, prevent diseases, ensure quality of life and prolong life in the future.
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Identify the causes of dyslipidemia
Dyslipidemia is one of the important risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. However, unlike age and gender, this is a completely modifiable risk factor. Knowing the causes of dyslipidemia to prevent and correct is a way to prevent disease, ensure quality of life and prolong life in the future.
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If you have high cholesterol, should you eat peanuts and bananas?
Người mỡ máu cao luôn cần kiểm soát chặt chẽ chế độ ăn, giảm lipid và chất béo bão hoà, đồng thời tăng cường ăn các loại hoa quả, rau xanh hoặc các loại hạt. Trong đó, lạc và chuối là những thực phẩm có lợi cho sức khoẻ mà người bệnh cần cân nhắc thêm vào chế độ ăn.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics