Home Tag Cure cancer

Articles in Cure cancer

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What types of cancer are most likely to be curable?
Do khoảng thời gian được sống thêm kể từ lúc xác định bệnh đến khi tử vong của đa số các trường hợp ung thư giai đoạn cuối thường không quá 6 tháng nên nhiều người vẫn quan niệm rằng: khi chẩn đoán một trường hợp bị mắc bệnh ung thư thì có nghĩa là đã có một án tử cho bệnh nhân
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Exercise during cancer treatment
Studies have shown that exercise not only keeps the body healthy, but also promotes healing and recovery during and after cancer. Therefore, exercise during cancer treatment is an effective therapy to speed up the recovery process for patients.
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Health care after cancer treatment
After your cancer treatment, you can reintegrate into your daily life. In addition to staying healthy during the recovery period, you need to take some measures to take care of your body after cancer treatment to promote long-term health and enjoy life ahead.
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Preserving fertility during cancer treatment
Cancer and its treatment have a major impact on fertility. Therefore, reproductive preservation such as sperm freezing or egg storage plays an important role in the management of cancer patients.
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