Home Tag Coronary artery

Articles in Coronary artery

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Pros and cons of angioplasty
Angioplasty is an interventional cardiovascular technique used to dilate coronary arteries that are blocked or narrowed due to atherosclerotic plaques. Most angioplasty procedures these days incorporate a metal mesh insert, or stent, into the artery.
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How does coronary calcification occur?
Coronary arteries are small blood vessels that supply blood to the heart. Calcification in the coronary arteries is an early sign of coronary artery disease.
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Overview of rheumatic fever
Rheumatic fever is one of the complications associated with strep throat. It causes severe damage to the heart and other organs and usually occurs in children between the ages of 5 and 15.
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What is unstable angina?
Unstable angina is the clinical manifestation of coronary insufficiency. The pain occurs even at rest, unstable angina can lead to myocardial infarction and seriously threaten the patient's life.
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Overview of chronic coronary artery disease
Coronary heart disease is a serious disease that can lead to death. If the disease is detected late and is not properly treated, it can lead to extremely dangerous complications for the heart.
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Infective endocarditis of the heart valves
Infective endocarditis is an infection of the endocardium, which is the inner lining of the heart's chambers and valves. If not treated quickly, endocarditis can damage or destroy heart valves and lead to life-threatening complications.
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Is unstable angina dangerous?
Angina is a common and typical symptom of coronary artery disease. In particular, unstable angina is a dangerous condition and requires urgent emergency care. If not treated in time, it can be life-threatening.
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Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) - An effective "assistant" in interventional treatment of coronary artery disease
Intravascular ultrasound is an advanced technique that directly and accurately assesses the condition of atherosclerosis, calcification, dissection, ... coronary arteries, providing the opportunity for more effective treatment for patients with coronary artery disease. heart-related diseaes.
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Accurate assessment of coronary atherosclerosis by modern ultrasound technology
Intra-coronary ultrasound helps to accurately assess the damage in coronary arteries, diagnose the nature and extent of atherosclerosis, accurately measure the narrow lumen area.
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Dangerous complications of coronary atherosclerosis
Coronary atherosclerosis is a common disease today, this disease often has a silent progression without any obvious symptoms.
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Coronary angiography at Vinmec: Instructions before - during - after the scan
Coronary angiography is a procedure that uses X-rays to view the blood vessels of the heart by identifying dye injected into the blood vessels. If necessary, the doctor can intervene to open blocked heart arteries during the coronary angiogram. Where to check the coronary artery and the cost of coronary angiography is a big concern of many patients. In many hospitals, Vinmec is the first choice for coronary angiography thanks to many outstanding advantages.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics