Home Tag Coronary angiography

Articles in Coronary angiography

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Chest pain causes and possible tests
Chest pain is a health phenomenon that occurs in many people, but few people pay attention to it when there are mild symptoms. However, if your chest pain is more severe and more frequent, you should see your doctor.
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Early detection of coronary heart disease to prevent myocardial infarction
Coronary artery disease is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases and one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Therefore, early recognition of coronary heart disease for prevention and timely treatment when infected is essential to limit possible bad complications.
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Issues to keep in mind when placing cardiac stents
Cardiovascular stenting is a modern method for percutaneous coronary intervention. Stents are made of special metal with or without coating depending on the patient's condition. After cardiac stent placement, patients need to pay attention to some issues to ensure their health.
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Coronary artery bypass surgery
Coronary fistula into the chambers of the heart is a rare congenital heart disease that accounts for about 0.2% to 0.4% of the pathologies. The disease has unknown manifestations, some cases present with a state of congestive heart failure, so it is often not detected early. Currently, thanks to superior scientific techniques, the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
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Aortic - coronary artery bypass surgery at Vinmec
Vinmec Times City Hospital would like to thank customers for their interest in learning about coronary artery bypass surgery. We would like to summarize the relevant information so that the patient has more information to prepare before, during and after surgery.
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Coronary angiography at Vinmec: Instructions before - during - after the scan
Coronary angiography is a procedure that uses X-rays to view the blood vessels of the heart by identifying dye injected into the blood vessels. If necessary, the doctor can intervene to open blocked heart arteries during the coronary angiogram. Where to check the coronary artery and the cost of coronary angiography is a big concern of many patients. In many hospitals, Vinmec is the first choice for coronary angiography thanks to many outstanding advantages.
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What is pre-anesthesia examination before open heart surgery? - P2
Before every surgery, no matter how big or small, the doctor needs to predict the level of success, failure, the risk of possible complications for his patients. Therefore, it is always required that at least one pre-anesthesia visit be performed at least 24 hours prior to commencing surgery.
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What is pre-anesthesia examination before open heart surgery? - P1
Before every surgery, no matter how big or small, the doctor needs to predict the level of success, failure, the risk of possible complications for his patients. Therefore, it is always required that at least one pre-anesthesia visit be performed at least 24 hours prior to commencing surgery.
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Anesthesia resuscitation in ischemic cardiomyopathy and coronary reperfusion - Part 2
More than 60% of vascular surgery patients have signs of coronary artery disease, and the incidence of postoperative infarction ranges from 4.7 to 8.5%. However, this type has a very high risk of ischemia, accounting for up to 10% of all surgical patients.
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Is spontaneous coronary artery dissection dangerous?
Coronary artery dissection is a rare heart disease that often occurs in young women, is difficult to diagnose, and there is no way to prevent it. Is spontaneous coronary artery dissection dangerous? How to treat. The following article gives us a better understanding of coronary artery dissection.
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Can IVUS ultrasound assess the risk of coronary artery stenosis?
My family member is 81 years old this year, chest pain and coronary angiography was found to be narrow on a very long segment of the coronary artery, with a narrow position of 95%. So the doctor asked me if the IVUS ultrasound method can assess the risk of coronary artery stenosis? Thank you doctor.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics