Home Tag Constrictive pericarditis

Articles in Constrictive pericarditis

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Purulent pericarditis dangerous?
Before antibiotics were widely used, pericarditis was a common complication of pneumococcal pneumonia. Currently, most cases of purulent pericarditis are caused by a medical care-related blood infection such as during dialysis, thoracic surgery, or an immunosuppressive condition such as HIV infection, chemotherapy. Regardless of the cause, early antibiotic treatment with percutaneous empyema or pericardectomy is necessary to rapidly control the foci of infection.
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Treatment and care for people with pericarditis
Treatment of pericarditis requires early and rapid implementation to avoid complications of acute tamponade. The care regime for patients with pericarditis also needs to be focused.
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Pericarditis is common in which leaves?
Hi doctor! Doctor, tell me which leaf is common pericarditis? Seek medical advice. Thank you.
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Constrictive pericarditis can lead to heart failure
Constrictive pericarditis is the result of fibrosis, thickening and adhesion of the pericardium, and is a secondary consequence of chronic pericarditis of many causes. This is a serious medical condition that can lead to heart failure, disability, and even death.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics