Home Tag Colon spasms

Articles in Colon spasms

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Diagnosis and treatment of irritable bowel disease
Modern life with a lot of pressure and mental stress makes irritable bowel disease appear more. This is a benign disease because there is no physical damage to the colon, but it causes many inconveniences and difficult to treat.
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Is there medicine to treat colitis, frequent constipation?
I have colitis or spasmodic colon, frequent constipation after defecation, pain relief, poor digestion and stomach. Does the doctor have medicine to treat colitis, frequent constipation?
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Can I work hard with spasmodic colitis?
Please tell me, I have spasmodic colitis, can this disease work hard? Because every time I lift something heavy, I get a pain in the ass.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics