Home Tag Colon obstruction

Articles in Colon obstruction

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Treatment of occlusive colonic stenosis under bright X-ray
Colonic stricture is an urgent condition that requires early diagnosis and intervention. The cause of colonic stricture may be the result of mechanical disruption or flow of intestinal contents, or dilation of the colon due to an anatomical injury. The most common treatment for stenosis of the colon is dilation and placement of a stent at the site of the narrowing.
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Treatment of colonic stenosis under the guidance of digital background erasure angiography
Ung thư đại tràng là bệnh lý khá phổ biến ở nước ta, thường gặp ở nam giới trưởng thành. Đây cũng là nguyên nhân gây hẹp tắc đại tràng. Bệnh cần được phát hiện sớm để can thiệp phẫu thuật.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics