Home Tag Colon cancer

Articles in Colon cancer

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Common diseases of the colon
The rectum is an extremely important organ, responsible for keeping waste and participating in the process of eliminating waste from the body. For a number of reasons, the function of the colon is affected leading to the appearance of many diseases.
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Treatment of occlusive colonic stenosis under bright X-ray
Colonic stricture is an urgent condition that requires early diagnosis and intervention. The cause of colonic stricture may be the result of mechanical disruption or flow of intestinal contents, or dilation of the colon due to an anatomical injury. The most common treatment for stenosis of the colon is dilation and placement of a stent at the site of the narrowing.
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Treatment of ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis is a disease that causes inflammation and ulcers in the lining of the rectum. The disease can be debilitating and sometimes lead to life-threatening complications. Treatment of ulcerative colitis includes pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment.
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How much energy (calories) does 1 gram of carbohydrates provide?
Carbohydrate cung cấp năng lượng cho bữa ăn gồm đường và tinh bột. 1 gam carbohydrate chứa khoảng 3,75 calo (16 kJ), trong đó chất xơ cũng là một loại carbohydrate hầu như chỉ có trong thực vật. Do đó, carbohydrate có vai trò rất cần thiết đối với sự phát triển cơ thể chúng ta.
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19 things to know about colon cancer
Colon cancer is a common and dangerous disease, causing the leading death rate among cancer types. Currently, not only the elderly but also more and more young people die from colon cancer.
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