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Articles in coagulation

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Side effects of anticoagulants
Anticoagulants are used to prevent and treat diseases caused by blood clots. However, the use of anticoagulants has many caveats. Doctors and patients need to closely monitor the signs regularly to promptly handle the side effects of anticoagulants.
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Precautions when taking anticoagulants
Blood thinner medicine is a medicine prescribed by doctors to help prevent blood clots from forming in the heart and blood vessels. But these medications can make it difficult to stop bleeding when bleeding occurs, and wounds can become worse, even life-threatening. So if you are taking these drugs should be careful.
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Novoeight: Uses, indications and precautions when using
Novoeight is used in patients with hemophilia A after trauma or surgery. As a man-made form of clotting factor VIII, Novoeight works to stop bleeding.
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Uses of Vincerol 1mg
Vincerol 1mg has an indirect anticoagulant effect by preventing the synthesis of active forms of clotting factors. To better understand what is the use of Vincerol 1mg? What do you need to pay attention to when taking the drug? The following article will help you understand more details about Vincerol 1mg drug.
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Uses of Amicar
Amicar belongs to the group of antifibrinolytic drugs. Amicar is used in the treatment of bleeding for some medical conditions such as aplastic anemia, cancer, ...
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Uses of Coagadex
Thuốc Coagadex có hoạt chất chính là yếu tố đông máu X, được chỉ định để điều trị và ngăn ngừa chảy máu ở những bệnh nhân bị thiếu hụt yếu tố X di truyền. Bài viết sẽ cung cấp các thông tin về công dụng, liều dùng và những lưu ý khi sử dụng thuốc Coagadex.
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Places where blood clots can form
Normally, blood clots are formed when the body is injured, they act as hemostatic plugs, helping to prevent blood from flowing out. However, in certain cases, these clots appear at the wrong time inside the blood vessel lumen. This can lead to serious health problems, such as atherosclerosis, heart attack, or stroke.
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Common types of blood clots
Usually when the body is injured or bleeding, blood clots are the "salvage" factor to help stop the bleeding quickly. However, when these blood clots form abnormally, they can lead to heart attacks or strokes, and even death, if left untreated.
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Disseminated intravascular coagulation: Symptoms and treatment
Disseminated intravascular coagulation or disseminated intravascular coagulation is one of the most severe disorders of the hemostatic system, characterized by the presence of many small clots within the lumen of blood vessels throughout the body. body. Clinical symptoms of disseminated intravascular coagulation are quite diverse, depending on the disease context. Treatment of disseminated intravascular coagulation includes supportive treatment to improve symptoms and address underlying causes.
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Quiz: What do you know about blood thinners?
Blood thinners work to prevent the formation of blood clots. From there, it helps to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and blockage of blood vessels. The following article will help you better understand blood thinners.
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Prevention of deep vein thrombosis
Huyết khối tĩnh mạch sâu là bệnh tương đối phổ biến, trường hợp nguy hiểm có thể dẫn đến biến chứng thuyên tắc phổi, đe dọa tính mạng bệnh nhân. Cùng tìm hiểu các phương pháp để ngăn ngừa huyết khối tĩnh mạch sâu trong từng trường hợp khác nhau trong bài viết sau đây.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics