Home Tag Chronic venous insufficiency

Articles in Chronic venous insufficiency

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Uses of Diosmin
Diosmin 600mg is a pharmaceutical product used to treat acute and chronic hemorrhoids, symptoms of venous insufficiency. If you use Diosmin correctly, in a short time you will see your health condition improve in a positive way.
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Veinofytol side effects
Veinofytol is indicated in the treatment of mild chronic venous insufficiency, anti-inflammatory, edema after surgery. So what is Veinofytol? Let's learn about the effects and how to use the drug in the article below.
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What is chronic venous insufficiency?
Chronic venous insufficiency is an unknown cause of death. When complications are severe, the blood is at risk of pooling in the veins to form clots, drifting to the heart, causing pulmonary embolism, which can be fatal. Let's find out information related to chronic venous insufficiency to help patients limit possible complications.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics