Home Tag Chronic stomach ulcers

Articles in Chronic stomach ulcers

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Chronic gastritis with HP infection has been treated but is uncomfortable and painful in the left abdomen?
Hi doctor! I am 37 years old now, last year I went to the doctor. I have chronic gastritis and duodenal ulcer with HP infection. I have used endoscopy medicine again, HP bacteria is gone. I also re-examined.
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Can chronic stomach ulcers cause cancer?
Chronic peptic ulcer disease is an extremely common disease, the disease can appear at any age, regardless of gender. Chronic gastritis not only causes uncomfortable pain for the patient but also seriously affects health if not treated promptly. So can chronic stomach ulcers cause cancer or not?
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Treatment of gastric stenosis under the guidance of digital background erasure angiography
Khi đường xuống tá tràng bị tắc nghẽn thì cần phẫu thuật làm miệng nối thông giữa dạ dày và quai đầu hỗng tràng. Nếu xuất hiện tình trạng hẹp vị tràng sau mổ hoặc vì các nguyên nhân khác, có thể điều trị dưới hướng dẫn chụp mạch số hóa xóa nền.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics