Home Tag Chronic stomach pain

Articles in Chronic stomach pain

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Frequent, persistent stomach pain is a warning of what diseases?
Stomach pain often causes a lot of inconvenience in life for patients. Today, this disease is becoming more and more common. Although stomach pain is not life-threatening, it causes many symptoms such as nausea, acid reflux, heartburn, belching, etc., which seriously affects the quality of life. of the patient.
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Gastroesophageal reflux with vomiting blood how to treat?
The patient has gastroesophageal reflux, chronic stomach pain, recently presented with symptoms of vomiting blood. Because the epidemic cannot go to the street, the patient cannot go to the doctor. So the doctor told me how to treat gastric reflux with vomiting blood?
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Eating bamboo shoots harmful to the stomach?
Bamboo shoots have long been one of the favorite dishes of many Vietnamese families because of their deliciousness and rich nutrition. However, eating bamboo shoots too often and improperly has the risk of causing bad effects on the body. That's why many people wonder whether eating bamboo shoots is harmful to the stomach?
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