Home Tag Chronic sinusitis

Articles in Chronic sinusitis

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Beware of eye complications, headaches caused by sinusitis
Sinusitis is a common ear, nose and throat disease that causes pain and discomfort and affects the patient's daily activities. Moreover, sinusitis also causes eye complications and headaches.
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Don’t Wait Until Your Sinusitis Gets Bad Enough to Cough Up Blood
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses around the nose, caused by allergies, fungal, bacterial, or viral infections. If it becomes severe, turns into chronic sinusitis, or frequently recurs without proper treatment from the start, it can worsen over time. If you are coughing up blood due to sinusitis, it means your sinus condition is becoming more serious. You should visit a specialized clinic for consultation and appropriate treatment.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics