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Articles in Childrens nutrition

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Nutrition guide for babies
One of the most important factors for a baby to develop well and gain weight evenly is the infant's nutrition. To help mothers understand the composition of breast milk and the process of milk formation, how to breastfeed in the correct position and effectively, below are instructions from Professor Dr. Pham Nhat An - Director of the Pediatric Center at Vinmec Times City Hospital.
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Newborn baby nutrition
healthy baby with steady weight gain is the wish of many mothers. One of the most important factors for a baby to always develop well is nutrition for newborns. Taking care of the first days of a baby's life can make mothers bewildered, especially for first-time mothers.
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Children with hand, foot and mouth disease abstain from eating what?
Hand, foot and mouth disease is a fairly common and contagious disease, often occurring in children under 5 years old. Hand, foot and mouth disease in young children should not be taken lightly because it can lead to dangerous complications if not treated and cared for carefully.
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Nutrition and diet for children after weaning
The diet for children after weaning plays a decisive role in their development. During this period, children are susceptible to malnutrition and disease if not properly and scientifically cared for.
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Supplementing yogurt for children under 1 year old: What you need to know
The habit of eating yogurt every day will help children increase their resistance, prevent diseases and develop comprehensively in all aspects. However, for children under 1 year old, when feeding them, mothers should pay attention to some basic things.
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Children's DHA needs
DHA is essential for the comprehensive development of brain and eye functions in children. DHA supplementation early and continuously will bring long-term benefits to children's development, so DHA supplementation is always encouraged in children, especially infants and young children.
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Signs your baby is asking for a feed
There are many signs that babies “deliberately” signal to let us know that they are hungry. Normally, mothers often feed their babies when they are fussy. However, when a baby cries, it is too late to signal that the baby is hungry.
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Signs that your baby is ready for solids
Parents are advised to introduce solid foods to their babies when they are 6 months old. However, some babies may start solid foods earlier or later. Knowing your baby’s cues for solid foods can help you determine when your baby can start eating other foods in addition to breast milk.
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Children eat complementary foods according to each age: From 9-12 months
Your baby's diet is extremely important from the first years of life. Providing adequate nutrition that is appropriate to your baby's age and development is extremely important.
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9 months after the baby is born
If you find your child - now a 9-month-old - pronouncing words more clearly, you're right. At 9 months, children will make great strides in developing spoken language.
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Children eat complementary foods according to each age: From 0-6 months
Complementary feeding plays a very important role in the development of children. If parents do not pay attention to scientific recommendations when feeding their children, they may inadvertently cause their children's health and development to fall behind.
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