Home Tag Chest X-ray

Articles in Chest X-ray

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Burning in the mid-sternal region is a sign of what disease?
Hi doctor. The doctor told me, I have pain and heat under the chest between the sternum, it's hot to touch at night, what's wrong with discomfort? Looking forward to consulting your doctor. Thank you doctor!
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Chest pain causes and possible tests
Chest pain is a health phenomenon that occurs in many people, but few people pay attention to it when there are mild symptoms. However, if your chest pain is more severe and more frequent, you should see your doctor.
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Complete return of pulmonary venous abnormalities
Abnormal return of the pulmonary vein completely is considered as one of the congenital anomalies, accounting for the current average rate, about 1-2%. This type of abnormal pulmonary vein malformation needs to be detected early to have the most effective treatment for the patient.
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Incomplete interlobular fissure sign on straight chest radiograph
Dấu hiệu rãnh liên thùy không hoàn toàn thấy trên X quang ngực thẳng bao gồm một vùng sáng thấu quang quanh rốn phổi được giới hạn phía ngoài bởi một bờ cong lõm và mờ ở phía ngoại vi của bờ này.
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When left chest pain need to do what imaging tests to diagnose?
Ngực trái là nơi chứa nhiều bộ phận quan trọng của cơ thể, trong đó có trái tim. Khi có những dấu hiệu bất thường như đau ngực trái, người bệnh không được chủ quan bởi đây có thể là những dấu hiệu cảnh bảo bệnh lý nguy hiểm.
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Why does the diagnosis of myocarditis require an electrocardiogram and chest x-ray?
Today, cardiovascular diseases are increasingly common, including myocarditis. This is a disease that causes all or part of the heart muscle to become inflamed, as a result of another infection. To diagnose and detect abnormalities, the patient will be assigned to perform an electrocardiogram and chest X-ray.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics