Home Tag Chest spasms

Articles in Chest spasms

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Your Arterial Life Cycle
Atherosclerosis is a very dangerous disease because the disease often progresses silently. This process of narrowing and hardening of the arteries occurs over many decades, often without any symptoms, leading the person to mistakenly believe that they have healthy arteries.
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Shortness of breath, chest spasms, palpitations, and rapid and strong heartbeats are signs of cardiovascular disease?
Hi doctor! Recently, I often have difficulty breathing even when I sit and do nothing, my chest seems to be constricted, making me breathe very uncomfortable, when I am nervous, my heart beats quite strongly and quickly. So the doctor asked me if shortness of breath, chest spasms, palpitations, and fast and strong heartbeats are signs of cardiovascular disease and how to handle it? Hope the doctor will consult and answer soon. Thank you sincerely!
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics