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Articles in Chest pain

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Blood pressure near 150 mmHg, fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain are signs of what disease?
Yesterday I was sleeping when I was startled by a noise. When I opened my eyes, my body was warm and my blood pressure was 145/77. I feel short of breath, I lie down for a bit and then measure again, my blood pressure is 130. When I wake up in the morning, my body is tired, my chest hurts, I feel sleepy but I can't sleep. In the afternoon, I felt hot and when I was resting, my body felt like it was late at night. I took the meter, it was nearly 150 and my body was always tired, uncomfortable and often had difficulty breathing. Ask your doctor if your blood pressure is close to 150 mmHg, if you are tired, have trouble breathing, what are the signs of chest pain?
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How are patients with mitral regurgitation treated?
I went for an electrocardiogram and echocardiogram, the doctor diagnosed me with mitral regurgitation, 2/4 tricuspid regurgitation, monitoring left ventricular overload, blood pressure 119/71. I often have chest pain and palpitations. So the doctor told me how to treat patients with mitral valve regurgitation?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics