Home Tag Check liver function

Articles in Check liver function

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Is gallbladder sludge curable?
Many patients live with gallbladder sludge without knowing it until they face the pain. So can gallbladder sludge stones be cured, how to prevent?
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How to keep your liver healthy
A good liver, your overall health is preserved. Therefore, "how to keep the liver healthy" is a matter of concern in the current stage of social development. Here are the answers to help you know what to take care of and what to eat for a healthy liver.
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How to check liver function?
Liver function test is the process of evaluating the activity and status of liver cells through blood test indicators, ultrasound, etc. Liver function test helps the doctor to diagnose the most accurate diseases. liver problems and timely treatment regimens.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics