Home Tag Causes of ovarian cancer

Articles in Causes of ovarian cancer

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Ovarian cancer: Causes, signs, development stages
Ung thư buồng trứng là khối u ác tính có xuất phát từ một hoặc cả hai buồng trứng. Theo thống kê tỷ lệ mắc bệnh ung thư buồng trứng khoảng 4,6/100.000 phụ nữ. Bệnh có thể xảy ra ở nhiều độ tuổi tuy nhiên hay gặp nhất là phụ nữ trên 50.
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Factors that affect the risk of ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer is one of the most common gynecological cancers in women, second only to cervical cancer. There are many factors that affect the risk of ovarian cancer. Understanding these factors can help prevent and detect the disease at an early stage and make treatment more effective.
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Typical warning signs of ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. In the early stages, the disease can be confused with other diseases through some common signs. Therefore, women need to know the symptoms and signs of ovarian cancer for early detection and timely treatment.
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Time to screen for ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer is a dangerous gynecological disease with a high mortality rate because of its silent progression, difficult to detect early. Routine ovarian cancer screening is considered an effective solution in early detection and treatment of this disease.
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Measures to take to diagnose ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer is a disease that often progresses quietly, without many typical symptoms in the early stages. Therefore, the disease is difficult to detect early and treat promptly.
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Ovarian cancer: Causes, signs, and stages of development
Ovarian cancer is a malignant tumor that originates in one or both ovaries. According to statistics, the incidence of ovarian cancer is about 4.6/100,000 women. The disease can occur at any age, but is most common in women over 50.
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Ovarian cancer: Predisposing subjects, symptoms and classification
Ovarian cancer is one of the most common cancers in the female reproductive tract. The disease can occur at any age, but the target audience is mainly post-menopausal women, with an average age of about 60 years.
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