Home Tag Causes of fatty liver

Articles in Causes of fatty liver

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What causes fatty liver?
Fatty liver is a fairly common disease in Vietnam and around the world. This disease leaves many complications, can lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer can lead to death if not treated promptly. Let's find out the causes and ways to prevent fatty liver disease with vimec.
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Fatty liver: What to avoid?
According to statistics, about 20-30% of the Vietnamese population has fatty liver disease. Diet is closely related to the treatment of this disease. So what to eat with fatty liver? What foods are good for people with fatty liver disease?
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Non-alcoholic fatty liver: Causes, symptoms, complications
Many patients still ask themselves "Why do I have fatty liver when I don't drink alcohol?". In fact, fatty liver is caused by many other causes besides alcohol. What are the causes, symptoms, and complications of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease?
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Treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver: Changing lifestyle, diet
Currently, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is the most common cause of elevated liver enzymes. The prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is about 35% in Europe and 25% in Asia. Progression of the disease can lead to severe consequences if not diagnosed and treated promptly.
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