Home Tag Causes of constipation

Articles in Causes of constipation

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Lifestyle and behavioral factors associated with constipation
One of the most common health problems facing the community is constipation. In general, constipation can be defined as the inability to have a bowel movement, which includes a variety of symptoms and can be chronic or sporadic. Chronic constipation is usually defined by a set of clinical symptoms known as the Rome criteria; The Rome criterion was revised several times after its introduction as the Rome I criterion in 1994.
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Health-related factors that may be associated with constipation
Searching for relevant published documents was performed using the Ovid interface to the MEDLINE and Embase electronic databases. Articles that met the inclusion criteria were classified as chronic constipation and any type of constipation according to the constipation definition used in the study.
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Learn how to treat constipation and internal hemorrhoids grade 1
Hi doctor. I'm 25 this year. 2 years ago, I had blood in my stools and went to the doctor and was diagnosed with grade 1 internal hemorrhoids. I had persistent constipation despite eating a lot of vegetables and fruits.
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