Home Tag Causes of chest pain

Articles in Causes of chest pain

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Left chest pain, dizziness is caused by what?
Hello doctor, 2 weeks ago I was sleeping, I felt a heart attack, throbbing like someone used something to stab me, then I sat up for a long time and it went away, the last 2 days I have felt pain. light left chest, no shortness of breath but sometimes heavy chest, dizzy and I'm being treated for stomach pain, have been taking medicine for 1 week. Please help me with the answer.
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What disease does chest pain indicate?
Hi doctor! Recently, I often have a sharp pain in my chest, I feel like my chest is pressed, I can't take a deep breath. I feel like there's no oxygen, sometimes when I breathe, my chest hurts like a needle and my throat gets stuck. Doctor, can you tell me what the symptoms are?
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Pain in the left chest area is a sign of what disease?
Hi doctor! My husband has pain in the left chest area, when lying on his side, there is an uncomfortable throbbing phenomenon, the feeling of fatigue spreads to both the shoulder and the left hand. Sometimes it feels like your heart isn't beating. The doctor told me that, what disease does my husband have? Ask your doctor for advice. Thanks you.
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What are the symptoms of chest pain?
Hello doctor, I have left and right chest pain, both inhaling and exhaling are painful, also feeling breast pain, touching the ribs and chest area feel pain. A few days ago, I had chest pain so I thought it was close to my period, but this morning when I woke up, I felt pain in the lower chest as well. I'm very worried. I hope the doctor can help me.
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What causes chest pain?
Hi doctor! I am 22 years old this year, sometimes I feel a pain in the middle of my chest, sometimes accompanied by a sharp pain that is slightly deviated to the left chest.
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Chest pain, erratic heartbeat, what to do?
The doctor told me, recently I have had chest pain, lying down and sitting up with a sharp pain in my chest, my heart sometimes beats fast, sometimes it beats lightly as if someone startled me. Should I take a film now to check? What's the cost?
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Chest pain, shortness of breath is heart disease?
Hello doctor, lately I feel chest pain, shortness of breath, is it heart disease? How to diagnose the disease correctly?
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Frequent pain in the chest, teeth, eye sockets is a sign of what disease?
Hi doctor! Recently, I often have angina in the heart area, during pain, my teeth, eye sockets and back also hurt, I only hurt at night. This year, I am 23 years old, but since I was 18 years old, I have had the same pain, I asked my parents, and my father kept saying that I had stomach pain, did not take me to the doctor or care how much pain I had. But according to my research, I have a heart spasm. So please ask the doctor, what are the signs of frequent angina, teeth, eye sockets?
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What is the squeezing pain in the left chest during exertion?
I am 20 years old this year, every time I ride a bicycle or run hard, I have pain like someone choking in the left chest area, then cold sweat breaks out all over my upper body. Sometimes a dull throbbing pain in the chest lasts up to 3 days even when the child is at rest. I went to the doctor many times but still no accurate results. The doctor asked me, what is the squeezing pain in the left chest with exertion? Looking forward to consulting your doctor. I thank you!
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Chest pain every time the heart beats but going to the doctor has normal results, is it okay?
I had a little discomfort in my heart at 4pm yesterday and it's been going on until now, I feel a sharp pain every time my heart beats, on the left side. I went to the hospital to check, the doctor finished the examination and said that my heart was normal and sent me home. So the doctor told me, my chest hurts every time my heart beats, but when I go to the doctor, the results are normal, is it okay? Because every 2-3 minutes, my heart throbs and hurts, so I'm uncomfortable and worried. Ask your doctor for advice. Thank you doctor!
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What is the symptom of left chest pain?
I'm 32 years old. Recently, I have symptoms of left chest pain, sometimes a sharp pain just below the chest area, when I try to take a deep breath, I get more throbbing, I only dare to take a short breath. Usually the sharp pain lasts only 5-10 minutes. The doctor told me the pain in the left chest is a sign of disease
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