Home Tag Causes of bloody stools

Articles in Causes of bloody stools

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Is it dangerous to go out with blood?
Hi doctor. I am 28 years old this year, since I was young, I rarely eat vegetables, so I often have heat, but it is only at the level of difficulty going to the toilet. About half a year ago, I had blood in my stool, I noticed blood after cleaning.
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Broken arm operated on crucifixion, weak health and abdominal pain when urinating blood should be dewormed?
I just broke my arm and had to remove the nail, my health is still weak, the wound on my hand hasn't healed. It's only been 1 month but I recently had a stomach ache going to the toilet and bleeding, and I haven't dewormed for a few years. The doctor asked me if I had a broken arm, operated on crucifixion, weak health and bloody stool, should I deworm? Is deworming dangerous?
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Bloody stools when treating stomach pain with superficial duodenal ulcer, what should I do?
I have stomach pain and superficial duodenal ulcer. After that, I have been examined and taken medicine from the hospital for 2 months. Recently, I noticed that there is some blood mixed in the stool. The doctor asked me to have blood in my stool when treating stomach pain with superficial duodenal ulcer, what should I do? I thank you doctor.
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Is it dangerous for people with colitis to have blood in their stools?
A few years ago, when I went to the doctor, I had colitis. About a few months ago I was bleeding quite a lot when going to the toilet. Tell me, is it dangerous for people with colitis to have blood in their stools?
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What is the cause of blood in the stool?
Now, when I have a bowel movement, I often bleed. Every day, if the stool is hard, it is quite painful to go to the toilet. I looked at it and it looked like an open wound. The doctor asked me, what is the cause of the blood in the stool and what can I do to get better?
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Dark red blood is a sign of what disease?
I passed out crimson blood. The doctor asked me to ask if the blood in the stool is dark red, a sign of what disease? How to treat this disease? Doctor advice. Thank you.
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Bright red blood in the stool is a sign of what disease?
About 4 months ago, I had bright red bloody stools, about 2 times. But since then, there is no pain anymore, and there is no pain. The doctor asked me to ask if the bright red blood in the stool is a sign of what disease? Is it possible to have an intestinal disease? Please consult a doctor. Thank you doctor!
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Bleeding when passing stool is a sign of what disease?
The last two times I went to the toilet with a lot of blood. I don't have any pain at all, I think everything is normal. The doctor told me to ask what is the sign of blood when going to the toilet?
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Is blood in the stool a sign of colon cancer?
Hi doctor. The doctor asked me if fresh blood in the stool is a sign of colon cancer? What is the cause? I hope the doctor can help me. Thank you.
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What to do with blood out after cutting hemorrhoids with the longo method?
I just had hemorrhoidectomy with longo method 8 days ago. There is currently no pain at the surgical site. But since the surgery is complete, I always have a dull stomachache and have a bowel movement 1-3 times a day. The doctor advised me to have abdominal pain and blood in my stool after cutting hemorrhoids with the longo method
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