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Articles in Burn excess fat

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7 tips to tighten loose skin after pregnancy
During the 9 months of pregnancy, the skin in general, especially the abdominal skin, has been stretched beyond its limit. After giving birth, this skin area can hardly return to its previous elasticity, causing it to sag and lose its aesthetic. Therefore, many new mothers are often concerned about how to restore postpartum skin as quickly as possible, especially postpartum abdominal skin.
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Should you shake the postpartum ring?
After giving birth, many mothers cannot maintain their body shape as before, partly because the pregnancy process makes the belly bigger. Therefore, many people often do exercises to make the waist slimmer, including hula hooping. So should you hula hoop after giving birth?
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Does Running Help Reduce Belly Fat?
Running is a simple sport suitable for all ages, helping to improve health and prevent various diseases. Additionally, studies have shown that running effectively reduces belly fat.
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